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2016 September Pender Post

We want to extend a huge thank you to all who created and submitted their unique entries in the Fall Fair’s competitive Section R: Recycling category. Every year we have the pleasure to view, marvel at and be amused by the novel, ingenious and engaging creations made from used materials. Please see our website for photos and details of the entries at

Thanks also to all Fall Fair attendees for using our recycling/composting/garbage stations, consequently helping to reduce waste from the fair tremendously. All manner of food scraps and paper were dealt with by trench composting and a vast array of recyclables were collected and recycled, diverting most discarded materials away from a landfill. We also want to give thanks and credit to the Fall Fair organizing committee and vendors for making waste reduction a priority at our Fall Fair.

Regarding reducing our ecological footprint, our Pender community appears to be ahead of some more wasteful societies, but there are still ways we can each get involved with continuing to improve on this. Using cleaner transportation is one way, such as ride-sharing, biking, walking, combining trips and using public transportation whenever possible. Of course there is not currently public transit on Pender, but there is an exciting pilot project in the works which sounds like it is due to start this month. We would like to commend the volunteers at MAP (Moving Around Pender) for working towards having a community bus service right here on our islands. We would also like to encourage folks to learn more and get involved with this project, as volunteers are certainly needed to make it happen. They can be contacted at Another exciting local project is PSI 2020 (Pender Solar Initiative 2020), whose volunteers and fundraisers have already managed to get solar grid-tie systems installed on the rooftops of our recycling depot and on the Pender Islands School! PSI 2020’s objective is to install solar photovoltaic systems on as many public buildings as possible on the Penders by the year 2020 and to educate and encourage individuals to install solar panels on their own homes as well. Yet another local, worthy project to support, learn more about and become engaged with!

Lately many of you have asked us what types of glass we can accept. Due to the Multi Materials BC stewardship program we are now only able to accept glass products that were packaging, such as a jar or bottle that held a product. Items such as drinking glasses, vases or glass panes can be recycled at Ellice Recycling in Victoria for a fee, or go in your garbage, or if it is not broken please check with us and hopefully it can go in the Free Store. Please check our website for more information regarding what can be recycled and where.

September is the last month that our depot will be operating on summer hours, which means that we are still open on Fridays this month. As of October 1 depot hours will be Tuesdays 8am – 3pm, Saturdays 10am – 3pm and Sundays 1 – 4pm.

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