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2015 May Pender Post

The Depot boasts some fresh, new attractions this spring. Not only is the rosemary bush in full bloom, attracting hummingbirds and pollinator bees, but we have now opened the new ReShop and the nicely renovated Free Store, both full of items awaiting new homes.The ReShop displays items such as previously-used appliances, electronics, building supplies, sports equipment and tools which can be acquired by donation. The ReShop Gallery features art created by local artists who repurpose and “up-cycle" items to give them new life. The art is available for a minimum suggested donation.

The solar panels on our roof are up and running and seem to be yet another attraction. You can read more about them on our website at There you will also find a link to see how much energy the panels are producing, even on a daily basis. Pretty amazing!

We have something else that is new: two big blue Book Boxes, supplied by a program which collects used books. We still like to sort through dropped-off books in order to put some of them in the Free Store. This new program will help us tremendously as books cannot go in the mixed paper bin. You may have seen three more boxes like this across the island recently, though we are only in charge of the ones at the Depot. There are a few requirements as to what type of books are accepted, such as no torn or moldy books, no magazines or Readers Digest books, no encyclopedias, no coil bound, and no library or school books. Please check with staff if you have further questions.

In May we expect to open the ReCycle Bike Shop again, ready for tune-ups and bike sales before summer starts. The month of May is also Tire Drop-off month, which means that we will be accepting tires without rims at the Depot. The first four tires are free to drop off, after that there is a charge of $2 per tire.

Most items are free to bring to the Depot, but we are finding that it is costly for us to accept large plastic items such as broken plastic chairs. We are now asking a small drop-off fee for large plastic recycling. Thank you for your understanding.

Please mark May 28 on your calendar, if you’d like to attend our AGM in the lounge of the Community Hall. It begins at 7:00 pm. And starting in June, we will operate on Summer Hours, which will be Tuesdays 8am - 3pm, Fridays and Saturdays 10am - 3pm and Sundays 1 - 4pm. Last but not least, I want to mention a very thoughtful action by a depot customer last month. It was a particularly busy day, and in the midst of the hectic recycling-chaos Ewa Jarosinska brought a boost of much-needed physical energy by giving the staff one of her decadent and delicious chocolate cakes! An excellent reason why they are all good days on Pender.

Anna Herlitz

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