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2015 March Pender Post

Spring is a time for growth and change, and this March we have some bright new ideas being realized at the Depot. We are excited and proud to announce that we will be switching to a cleaner source of energy for our Depot operation. Thanks to the Pender Solar Initiative 2020 (PSI 2020) and the NuToYu we will be installing thirty-nine photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of the Recycling Depot this month; this new system will power our Depot and equipment. This project was proposed and driven by PSI 2020 which consists of a group of dedicated individuals whose mission is to facilitate the installation of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on all suitable public buildings on Pender by the year 2020. PIRS is hugely grateful to the NuToYu for the generous grant of $20,719 which has made it all possible. This grant will cover all materials and installation outside of labour. A Pender crew will be trained to install solar PV systems so it can be done locally for future installations in the community. When you come by the Depot, from mid-March on you will be able to view our new environmentally friendly and cost-effective PV solar system.

With the warm sunny weather we have had recently, many of you have likely been working in your gardens, and may be thinking of adding soil or other backhaul products that we deliver. This is an excellent time to put in an order to beat the crowds and have it delivered soon. To place an order just give us a call at 629-6962 or stop by the Depot. You can find more information on backhauls on our website at We would also like to remind everyone that it is time again to renew your $20 annual membership if you haven’t already done so; this can be done on our website or in person. Thank you very much for your support.

We are taking donations again for our FreeStore/ReStore which at the time of this writing is very close to opening its doors again after the remodelling! Renovation of the ReCycle bike shop is still underway. Also, if you are doing some spring cleaning and want to finally get rid of old cassette and VCR tapes you have hanging around, then just bring them to us - they can even be left in their cases. We also accept CDs, DVDs and electronics at no charge.

We’d like to remind you to turn your clocks forward when you go to bed on Saturday March 7 for Daylight Savings Time so you won’t miss our regular open hours the following day. That is also a good time to check your smoke detectors, change the batteries and bring us any old batteries and old/non-functioning smoke/CO detectors.

In case you are wondering what to do with your kitchen food scraps, we are still selling Green Cone Food Digesters at the discounted price of $135. We wish you a happy spring with lots of healthy outdoor time enjoying our beautiful island. No wonder they are all good days on Pender!

Anna Herlitz

The next PIRS board meeting takes place on Thursday, March 12, 7:00 p.m. in the community meeting room of the Pender Islands School.

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