Annual membership is voluntary.
Provide your mailing address and we will mail you a tax receipt for making a charitable donation. Thank you!
Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat
10 AM to 3 PM
The depot is CLOSED on:
Fri, Apr 18 - Good Friday
Tues, July 1 - Canada Day
Sat, Aug 23 - Fall Fair
Tues, Sept 30 - National Day of Truth & Reconciliation
Tues, Nov 11 - Remembrance Day
Thurs, Dec 25 - Christmas Day
Fri, Dec 26 - Boxing Day
Community Initiatives
& Events
Here's what's been going on of late.
Solar Panels at Recycling Depot
Next time you’re approaching the recycling depot from the east, look up.
Solar panels being placed on the depot roof (left),
local installation crew (above)
Installation of 39 photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on the southeast facing side of the main recycling depot building is now complete.
This project is the first major commercial solar electricity initiative on the Penders and was spearheaded by the local group, PSI 2020 (Pender Solar Initiative 2020), and funded primarily by a very generous grant of $20,719 from the Nu-To-Yu. Nu-To-Yu and PSI 2020 has shown vision and exceptional leadership in pushing this pioneering clean energy project forward.
So you know, our solar array produced 1,683 kWh in June of this year. At this rate the solar array should fully cover the recycling depot's electric needs each year, and then some.
But this solar project is bigger than that, it is meant to be a demonstration project for the Pender Islands community, allowing residents and visitors to see real-life solar PV at work. This first undertaking has already resulted in a local crew receiving training from GabEnergy (a Gabriola Island organization that helps local individuals and organizations install clean energy) on installing systems, training that is expected to be used numerous times in the future.
The goal of PSI 2020 is to see solar photovoltaic systems installed on the roof of every suitable public building on Pender by the year 2020 – school, library, medical clinic, fire hall.
Harnessing solar power continues to grow dramatically, approximately 50% per year during the past ten years.
Thanks are extended again to PSI 2020, Nu-To-Yu, CRD, Pender Island's Jamieson Electric and Pete Fennell Construction, and GabEnergy for helping the Penders take a giant stride into the realm of clean, renewable energy. Clean and green. Who’s next?
Fall Fair photograph (top):
PIRS staff member Anna Herlitz at diversion station
Garbage-Free Fall Fair Initative
For years, the Pender Island Recycling Society has provided recycling containers for the Fall Fair grounds, dish loan placing settings for the evening dinner, and pick up of both when the Fall Fair is over.
Five years ago, PIRS partnered with the Fall Fair organizing committee to launch a Garbage-Free Fall Fair Initiative. Signed diversion and education stations with bins for recycling, composting and garbage are now strategically placed throughout the Fall Fair grounds and staffed by PIRS employees and board members. Promotion in advance of the Fall Fair is undertaken by PIRS to encourage those who are planning to attend the Fall Fair to consider what they will be bringing with them to the Fair, and how to properly dispose of their recycling and waste when on the fairgrounds. Collected compostables are trench-composted in an area nearby.
Since 2011, the volume of garbage collected at the Fall Fair has decreased by more than 70%.
Open House at the Recycling Depot
May 19, 2012
Our first ever recycling depot open house was a huge success, with between 400 and 500 people in attendance. The objectives of the event were to:
Recognize and thank the Pender Island community for their ongoing reycling efforts
Introduce the community to the new ReCYCLE Community Bike Shop at the depot
Encourage those in attendance to reuse more frequently by providing examples of reuse in art.
Highlights of the Open House included:
BBQ, featuring Guest Chef Pierre Delacote
Live musical performances by Mae Moore, The Pesky Alders, Walk On Boys, Stop On Gonna, Les Quitzau, Billy Hicks
Silent Auction, featuring amazing donations by Karl and Nora Stittgen, San Oglov, Ani Feuermann, Pender Island Realty, Pender Island Home Building Centre, Mary Lottridge, Sharon Card, Poets Cove Resort & Spa, Celene Wilde and Michelle Marsden
Re-ART Show
Since 1989, PIRS has diverted approximately 7.4 million pounds of recyclables from landfills. Thank you Pender Island for helping our environment.
7.4 million lbs!
Open House photographs on this page by Hans Tammemagi
Open House photographs:
2012 Open House MC Les Quitau (top left); silent auction donation from Karl and Nora Stittgen; Open House crowd